Welcome Back!


It has been well over a year since my last post and without boring you with the details, I have been extremely busy with my degree, final placement, and life in general, leaving me with lots to update you on. Having already completed all of my assignments, today marked my final day at University with my Personal Development Profile for my Qualified Teacher Status being signed off by my tutor.

The past three years have been such a whirlwind and I’m glad I took to using this blog to document the parts I found most important. Over the next few weeks I intend to update this blog with all of the things I have missed to date so be sure to keep an eye out!

I’m really grateful for those of you who have already reached out to connect with me and I would appreciate it if you could like this post if you have enjoyed it (and look forward to the next!) and subscribe so you don’t miss anything.

My Second Placement is Almost Over!

Just as it had so quickly begun, it is now coming to an end. My second teaching placement. I have finished most of my assignments now (not as well as I would have liked but I am pleased with them nevertheless), I have my Maths exam coming up, and one final module assignment. It is fantastic for me to be able to share with you that I have passed my second teaching placement “with flying colours”, and I have loved every second of it.

I went into my placement alone this time (I was placed in a pair last year), and somewhat doubting myself and my presence after not teaching for a while. I needn’t have worried, the staff were incredibly friendly and welcoming, and I wasn’t too rusty in the classroom!

One way I feel I quickly asserted my presence in the classroom was through learning names. I was able to praise and correct behaviour through addressing each child personally which they respected and appreciated. The children were all fantastic, and the school itself wasvery good. Standards are high and the entire school ethos benefits the children and the staff making it a lovely, motivating, encouraging environment to be placed in.

The planning, marking and teaching was just as I remember and the feeling when you see the children progress and that you make a difference will never get old. I have attended parents evening, a football tournament, the Race for Life event, the Easter Service, and a residential trip. I have offered my support for a future school trip with my current year group later on in the year.

My observations and feedback has all been really positive and motivating. The class teacher is fantastic and despite being so busy with multiple other responsibilities always makes sure she spends the necessary time with me and supports me. The headteacher is just as caring and considerate, as are many of the staff.

It has cost me a small fortune to buy all of the teacher’s and children’s gifts, but will definitely be worth it! Especially for my class teacher considering all she has done for me. As always I will struggle to leave not knowing where the children will progress to or where they will go in life, but that’s just something I’ll have to get used to!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me or to comment on this post, I would love to help out.

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